Hand sanitizer

Hand sanitizer

If you’re like me (and probably like 80% of folks right now), you’re low on hand sanitizer.

You probably considered buying some off a neighbor on Nextdoor, but then re-evaluated your decision making process. You likely decided to get up early and go to the local store, but learned that they were sold out. You considered making some yourself by following the lovely(?) guide published by WHO, but then realized you’re not a chemist.

If you didn’t give up by this point, I want to know what you did.

In the meantime, support your local brewery, and buy some hand sanitizer from them! New Holland Brewing is producing hand sanitizer, and I got a gallon from them. Click here to check it out!

New Holland Sanitizer New Holland Sanitizer

Want to support another brewery/distillery/winery? Here’s a list that can help guide you!

I ended up getting some spray bottles off Amazon as well (how did you think it was used?). Check these out:

Got some tips? I wanna know, too!